Board Members

Casey Headshot

Hello! I'm Casey Peterson

Executive Director

Marketing strategist and graphic designer with a passion for giving.


Hello! I'm Dr. David Johnson

Founder of the National Sports Medicine Institute (NSMI) and Sports Orthopaedic Surgeon. Being part of the community and giving back is one of his core principles both personally and professionally.


Hello! I'm Casey Veatch

Dr. Casagrande Headshot

Hello! I'm Dr. Zach Casagrande


Founder of Northern Virginia Orthodontics & The NVO Foundation who transforms lives both inside and outside of the office.

Nicole Headshot

Hello! I'm Nicole Le

A financial guru dedicated to growing the NVO Foundation into a nationwide impact generating organization.


Hello! I'm Ashley Campolatarro

Founder and Executive Director of one of the area's largest breast cancer patient support nonprofits in the area, community race director and youth running group organizer.


Hello! I'm John C Whitbeck

Founder of Whitbeck Cisneros McElroy PC and activist that has dedicated his life to serving our community.


Hello! I'm Gena Casagrande

Loudoun County Public School Parent Liaison whose generosity is almost as big as her heart. Passion for people, giving and running.